Ad Words
Novosteer Google Ads Team
Ads Generating Traffic
Generate more traffic with Google Ads. Be present and be seen by users searching for services and products offered by your business. By actively anticipating your visitors' searches, your dealership can place itself to be the click that drives action.
Novosteer’s Google Adwords Team offers Search and Display Strategies that focus on the Sales Funnel.
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Our complex exclusive retargeting strategy delivers multi-tier retargeting specifically created to follow the funnel, converting it into sales. This process is strategically optimized for the dealer's needs targeting the online shopper at every touchpoint throughout their buying journey.
This type of ad format maximizes relevance and performance. These ads draw in local traffic to your physical and virtual store by delivering relevant products formulated by the latest technology.
Utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) to track ad spend, conversions, and customer behavior we create a unique ad experience for the client. Our dynamic ads leverage the customer data to maximize engagement by placing the most likely to convert inventory in front of the customer.
Locate and target your audience in areas most likely to convert. Virtually select the areas you wish to target and set a boundary. The ads will then target and deliver to anyone who enters that location via the chosen ad delivery method.
Always be visible when users search nearby to ensure that your business is at the top of the search results by enabling location extensions to your map. It ensures that your business is visible in the map search.
We bring your results to life with measured success through our reporting. We deliver complex data in easy-to-read formatting so that dealerships can fully understand their digital success. Clear understandable data presentation allows for informed budget and ad decisions to be made based on concrete data.
Display ads are a graphic that can be made of text, images, video, and audio. It delivers general advertisements that leave an impression on the consumer, attracting them to take action and click the Call to Action (CTA). This type of ad is being delivered to up to 90% of internet users worldwide. (Google Sourced) develops branding, product exposure, increased leads, and drives sales.
There are various types of Display ads including responsive ads, native ads, social ads, and retargeting. Each ad type can be delivered to a specific target audience based on desired demographics within specific display opportunities across the web, such as Youtube, Gmail, and mobile apps.
Fire on all cylinders
Target Ads Driving Quality Traffic
Target ads work faster than SEO. The Certified Google Team here at Novosteer can directly target your current and potential clients based on your dealership goals. We understand the Automotive Industry's competitive landscape and actively work to deliver targeted ads that convert. With our cost control strategy, we take your budget and increase your return on investment by delivering high-quality user inter-action.

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